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mardi 19 avril 2011

Open your garden to the world

Your garden is full of ressources. Open the walls and let the flowers blossom.

 With YAAC Information technology we will help you to open it to the world. You will discover new horizons, and start for new adventure...

 YAAC Information technology will open your web site to the world

test our new web site  and realtime service with online chat. you have access to our support team  and will make you direct reply ... 

Open your garden to new horizons

What is the interest of having a nice website with nice pictures if nobody knows even your name and less what you are doing or proposing?
With YAAC -IT experience,  we can bring you to the sky with your customer. For instance we introduce live chat to be in direct contact with your customers.
Today business is becoming very hard and clients need an excellent service with the best reactivity . They cannot afford to lose a sale or worst lose  a customer.
with our real time chat your customers are in permanent link with you and can get information on deliveries, new quotes etc...

please test our web site  all functionnalities in it can be put at your service at very attractive price.
Good knowledge of CRM can make your web site an excellent tool to gather your prospects and keep all intelligence on your market.

Ouvrez votre jardin sur le monde. YAAC Information technologie peut vous aider à multiplier vos ventes et découvrir de nouveaux marchés...

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