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Web site customer oriented site internet; e-commerce, shopping cart, shop window

 YAAC Information technology will update your web site with new technology.
What is the interest of having a nice website with nice picture sif nobody knows even your name and less what you are doing or proposing.
with YAAC -IT experience we can bring you to the sky with your customer. For instance we introduce live chat to be in direct contact with your customers.
Today business is becoming very hard and clients need an excellent service with the best reactivity . They cannot affor to lose a sale or worse a customer.

please test our web site  all functionnalities in it can be put at your service at very attractive price.

some ides of our tarif

e-commerce  site   3100 euros
e-catalogue  site 2250 euros
shop window site 1790 euros

we also offer hot line on skype at 15 euros/hour on PHP, Java, Flash, and all CMS: Prestashop, Drupal, Wordpress, Joomla...